Saturday 9 March 2013

Is it all about instagram ?

My Statement in the forum: Instagram describes its self as a “fast and fun way to share photos with family and friends” therefore I don’t understand why would anyone even think it was anymore then a fun social networking app making it easier to share photographs with others. I completely agree with Emma’s statement, “is a fun thing rather than a professional thing. Exactly why it's linked to facebook because it fits within the social scene.” The majority of people use it in the way it is set out for so I disagree with most statements made about it such as Aaron’s statement, “Instagram is a poor excuse for teenagers and adults alike that have no photographic skill what so ever to call themselves a photographer for 5 mins.” And when he says this he really is talking about a small minority of people using this app. I really agree with Tom it is a great app to see what your friends are up to so I see no issue with the app what so ever and feel that people can post what they wish to on it and if you don’t like it ignore it.

Overall all from the forum it has been said that Instagram is an app for fun and keeping up with what your friends and doing and it not really somewhere you would post your proffesional quality photographs.

I do have Instagram myself but have only actually posted once myself of a cat I was looking after and this is  a common theme on this app because it is used to show friends what is happening in your day to day life in picture form. Here is an example of someone I follow on Instagram who is also a Beauty You-tuber called Fleurdeforce and I love being able to see cute pictures of her puppies and what she is up to and such. I really don't see whats wrong with this app but it is not a photography app it is a social app like Facebook. A positive for photography that has come of this app is photography is more accessible so it gets it more well known in the world which can only be a good thing.

The quote that most stood out to me throughout the whole forum was from Fran because this is so true just because you use Instagram does not mean you are a bad photographer and training doesnt make you a better photographer either,

"Does it mean that all the users are bad photographers or that they have no right to call themselves photographers because they haven't had training? I'm quite sure there are people in the profession who didn't go to college or university but produce beautiful thoughtful images and people who've been trained who turn out rubbish."


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