Monday 18 February 2013

Discussion- How work is Viewed ?

There are many opinions of where your work is displayed and how but  it comes down to personal preference of the artist.

Should you use the web and galleries to display your work?

One view is that the web does not show your work as you would like it to be viewed so it loses part of the quality and feel to it. Having it in a gallery allows you to put it up how you wanted it to be viewed so you are happy with it.

An argument against this is that choosing the way to display your work could be seen as manipulating the viewer opinion. 

However I feel you cannot have one without the other as using the web helps to get your work out there and you should be able to find a way to lay it out that to an extent represents your work in the way you want. Your work should still look just as good on the internet and i think this helps you to become more well known and if people have heard about you are more incline to visit your exhibition. After visiting your exhibition the web can be helpful so people such as student can research you further. I do think that the way you display your work can be manipulating however I don't think it can change someones opinion enough to matter. At the end of the day you are the artist so the layout is part of the art.

Is someone else reprinting/re-using and displaying your work acceptable?

An argument for is that your work being reprinted even on a poor quality printer is still getting your work out there in someones home as long as the are not manipulating it in any way such as cropping. This is were re-using comes in, re-using is changing your work and is only okay if they are not showing it as yours.

An argument againest this statement is that it should not be allowed as it loses it quality. For example if you make a photograph that is in a series of 1/50 it makes the buyer more respectful of your work.

Re-using in my opinion is not acceptable unless it is completely different and with your permission. An example i see as quite disrespectful is the adaption of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci by Marcel Duchamp were he drew facial hair on too. This is not something that would normally be socially acceptable so why is it okay for his work to be seen as art? 


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